Bunnylink fotókiállítás
2014. április 1-től 15-ig
Tihanyi Anna tagunk a NARS Foundation, Art Residence programjának keretében töltött négy hónapot New Yorkban. Ott készült munkáiból nyílt kiállítás április elsején Bunnylink címmel.
Helyszín: Casati Art Corner Galéria 1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede utca 31.
Nyitva tartás: minden nap 16 és 19 óra között, előzetes bejelentkezés alapján más időpontokban is.
I spent four months in New York City participating an art residency. It was a very intense period- I felt a permanent fluctuation and that everything is in a transitory state. I found myself with some instant relations, with feelings and connections that happen on the surface. The inhuman existence of New York created a homogenous vision for me. For the urge of being more of an insider I started documenting my experiences through people I got to know and surrounded me, with a rabbit mask that I found in a local store. I wanted capture New York how I- as an outsider, but not a tourist- see this Disneyland-like city. The mask represents the surrealism of the city, and the distant impersonality I felt. Surprisingly, during my project the mask changed its shape, and the homogenous mass became heterogeneous, and more and more personal.
Anna Tihanyi